Bro. Craig D. Blauser W.M. 2023


As Worshipful Master of Infinity Lodge No. 546, I welcome everyone to join us at our dinners or social events. Please see the Events Page or the calendar above for dates and times of the socials. Our Stated meetings are at 7:30PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, except July and August in which we will not have any official meetings. Our dinners start at 6:30PM the evening of our Stated Meetings.

If you are already a Freemason, we also welcome you to visit us during one of our Stated or Extra meetings. If you are from a Jurisdiction outside of Pennsylvania and want to see the degree work, I implore you to visit! The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is the oldest Grand Lodge in the United States, and the ritual has remained relatively unchanged since its inception. You will be gifted Infinity’s Masonic Challenge Coin the first time that you visit our lodge as a token of our brotherly love and a reminder of your time spent with us. Please remember to bring your Masonic Passport, if you have one, to get it stamped!

If you are not a Mason, please feel free to browse Infinity’s website and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s Website. Our mission is to make good men better by personal growth through education, mentorship, leadership, service, and social development. If you are interested in joining and you meet the necessary qualifications, please visit the “Join” page of our site and contact us.

Our Lodge is extremely proud of our history, heritage, and diversity. Infinity Lodge No. 546 started as Duquesne Lodge No. 546 in 1876. However, other even older lodges are part of our heritage; the oldest being Braddock’s Field Lodge No. 510 which started in 1872. We celebrated Braddock’s Field Lodge’s 150th anniversary last year and are looking forward to celebrating Infinity’s Lodge’s 150th in just a few years. Our Lodge is represented by Brothers from all races, religions, social standings, and political persuasions.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Craig D. Blauser P.M.

Worshipful Master


G.L.O.P. Article on Our Lodge


Bro. Lyon A. Zeibak Closing Remarks