Lodge Plants Trees in Masonic Namesake Neighborhood

Today the lodge, along with volunteers in the Penn Hills Shade Tree Commission, planted trees in the Alcoma Neighborhood of Penn Hills; Alcoma Dr, Tunnelview Dr, Camera Pl and at the 3 Lakes Golf Course. Seen in the pictures are members of Infinity Lodge and volunteers of the PHSTC.
3 Lakes Golf Course on 6700 Saltsburg Rd, is just up the road from the Penn Hills Masonic Center. The golf club had started out as the Allegheny County Masons Country Club in 1923. The course had opened in 1923 and the name ALCOMA was chosen since it was an acronym for the "ALlegheny COunty MAsons."
Housing developments later spread around it and throughout Penn Hills, lending the Alcoma name to an entire neighborhood, streets, buildings and a shopping plaza. The club was sold in 2005 and the name was changed to “3 Lakes” two years later after a Plum golf team player won a name change competition.
This was featured in a news article in the Penn Hills Progress: